Manish Shah

Tax Manager


  • HMRC Inland Revenue internal qualifications at Tax Officer and Tax Officer Higher Grade level.
  • 45 years of experience.


  • Manish is well versed in personal tax, tax returns and tax compliance and all areas of personal taxation.
  • He manages:
    • Tax returns for sole traders and company directors.
    • Tax-related financial planning, mainly EIS.
  • Negotiating with HMRC on behalf of clients.
  • Analysing financial documents to identify potential deductions.


  • Clients’ appreciation of Manish has generated numerous referrals to Johnsons.
  • A Barrister was stressed because he omitted his Child Benefit Charges on his previous tax returns – but Manish agreed with HMRC that they would only assess the last four years.
  • Dealing patiently with sporadic EIS certificates sent by a client relating to different tax years.
  • Helped a client to claim the Widows Bereavement support payment – about which she knew nothing when her husband passed away a few years previously.


  • Manish enjoys travelling, listening to Hindi and English music and keeping fit and healthy.