Jamie Martin BA

Payroll AccountantPayroll Accountant

Payroll Administrator


  • BA (Hons) in Business Management (Accounting)


  • Jamie manages 200 weekly and annual payrolls, auto-enrolment workplace pensions, CIS, Statutory Pay calculations, and tax and NI deductions, along with other essential payroll concepts.
  • Assists clients with payroll queries and liaises with HMRC on their behalf.
  • Proficient at analysing HMRC PAYE credits and liabilities to identify any errors or inconsistencies to avoid HMRC penalties and recoup any overpaid liabilities.


  • Successful in helping one client locate a missing PAYE payment and recover erroneous interest fees from HMRC.


  • Jamie enjoys going on days out with her family, live music and exploring new places. In her spare time, she likes relaxing with a good book or swimming outdoors .