Corporation Tax – West London

Corporation Tax – West London

We’ll help you reduce your Corporation Tax. We’ll help you navigate the complex legislation, avoid traps and minimise your tax liabilities. We often identify substantial savings because:

  • You’ll receive comprehensive, tailored tax planning advice – for your specific needs.
  • We employ an in-house Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA), qualified by the Chartered Institute of Taxation. (CTA is the UK’s highest tax qualification.) He helps our clients reduce their taxes and risks by providing the highest quality advice for businesses and high-net-worth individuals.
  • Many of our tax staff have previously worked for HMRC, so we know how to work with them effectively on your behalf. 

Corporation Tax Advice

We can help reduce your Corporation Tax by claiming against:

When stakeholders have different interests, we can also mediate, to propose a fair resolution.

We can advise across all of your business, and personal, affairs. We’ll optimise your current situation – and help you plan for a better future.

Case Study 1) The Music Manager

A famous music manager, was living between the US and the UK, declaring minimal personal income in the UK but substantial corporation tax in the UK.

We secured a large corporation tax refund from HMRC on the basis of the double taxation treaty as sales were predominantly in the US.

Case Study 2) Fleet Management Data Company

We were requested to provide an annual compliance service for this company.

Our in-depth analysis concluded the client was entitled to Research and Development tax credits – contrary to the views of the previous accountant.

We secured an initial HMRC tax credit and then ongoing annual tax credits of about £100k.

Next Step

Contact us today to relieve your Corporation Tax headache. You’ll be pleased you did.