Business Succession Planning – West London

Business Succession Planning – West London
You’ve worked hard to build your business. We can help improve your succession and optimise its value whether it’s sold to your family, management team or an external buyer.
If desired, we can ensure you retain control after the handover.
Succession Services
We’ll help steer you to stay focused on your objectives and provide technical/financial advice including:
- Searching for and identifying buyers.
- Financing the incoming management so you can receive more value from the succession.
- Creating employee ownership trusts.
- Identifying changes necessary for a successful succession.
- Helping you select new key individuals and ensuring their new share equity aligns with the value they create.
Strategic Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning
Our strategic IHT planning will reduce your taxes and optimise your personal, family and business finances by providing integrated advice across.
- Tax planning
- Investment (business and personal)
- Wills and probate
Johnsons, Chartered Accountants
We’re committed to financial excellence. And you can count on our experience.
- We are a full-service, mid-sized firm of Chartered Accountants (70 staff).
- You’ll receive comprehensive, tailored succession planning advice – for your specific needs.
- We have the resources to meet your succession planning requirements – and are small enough to care.
Advisory Team

J Stuart Thomson MA CA FCT ATT MCSI
Group Managing Director
- Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland)
- Associate Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales)
- FCT – Fellow of the Association of Corporate Treasurers
- MCSI – Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments
- ATT – Association of Tax Technicians

Edmund Cartwright FCCA
Managing Director / Audit Partner
- Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA).
- Authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) to conduct audits.
- Authorised as a Responsible Individual by the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to conduct Public Interest Entity (PIE) audits.

Rob Wilkes FCA
Audit Director
- Rob has 34 years of audit experience.
- Worked in the UK, Ireland and Australia and at four of the top five global accounting firms.
- Advises and audits clients in the technology, professional services, leisure, hospitality, manufacturing, wholesale and NFP sectors.
- Experienced in leading the delivery of audits for listed companies, large privately owned international companies and Private Equity owned businesses.

Peter Briant CTA
Tax Manager
- Chartered Tax Advisor with 20 years experience.
- HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Inspector of Taxes.
- Has worked in tax strategy, tax investigations, large business, public sector, personal tax and corporation tax.
- Represented HMRC in discussions with foreign fiscal tax authorities.
Next Step
Contact us today to start your succession planning and reduce your risks and taxes. You’ll be pleased you did.