HMRC Tax Investigations and Enquiries – West London

HMRC Tax Investigations and Enquiries – West London

We’ve managed a large number of HMRC tax investigations and enquiries. In every single case, we’ve minimised our client’s tax liabilities.

HMRC Tax Resources

We have the resources to resolve HMRC issues and reduce your stress. We provide great value because:

  • You’ll receive comprehensive, tailored tax advice – for your specific needs.
  • Many of our tax staff have previously worked for HMRC, so we know how to work with them effectively on your behalf. 
  • We employ an in-house Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA) qualified by the Chartered Institute of Taxation. (CTA is the UK’s highest tax qualification.) He provides the highest quality tax advice available.
  • We can provide fee protection insurance even if your HMRC inquiry or investigation has started.

Areas of Expertise

We have in-depth experience resolving:

  • Personal tax issues, self-assessments and non-disclosure.
  • VAT
  • Corporation tax
  • IR35
  • Bounce back loans

Case Study – HMRC Fraud Inquiry

The Problems

Our new client had taken legal advice for a year, but HMRC had refused to close a COP9 fraud inquiry until all their corporate tax affairs were also resolved. The client also wanted to recover a key asset.

They also had minimal records.

How We Helped

We updated the client’s corporate affairs for the entire group (around 20 companies for around five years).

We negotiated with HMRC to minimise the tax liability, taking a different approach from the client’s lawyers.

The Result

We reduced our new client’s tax liabilities by about £250k.

Next Step

Contact us today to resolve your HMRC Tax investigation/enquiry – and get your life back on track. You’ll be pleased you did.